Recently, I wrote a blog regarding following back or connecting on social media with others because reviewing profiles is time consuming-Wendy Wortham Explains Screening Social Media Connections- but, also because these days it is not uncommon to see shocking photos or content on their sites- I earned a dedicated following on Twitter by following back, retweeting and promoting my connections and therefore, am very picky regarding who I follow back or connect with.
You see, you are what you post and if I’m following you back- you are on my timeline which is why I take the time to see what you’re posting and whether it’s “family friendly” or not.
Cindy and I post items offered at Texas Twins Treasures along with blog posts from Texas Twins TV, The Pawning Planners and Texas Twins Events. My twin sister also posts her Redneck Reality #Cindyisms views on life that are featured on Pawning Planners Apparel. Every Cindyism contains a grain of truth regarding our lives, our businesses and observations of others which is why they are so popular and well received. Ironically, Pawning Planners Apparel proceeds are used to fund events for families with no money to book through Texas Twins Events and no trade to barter through The Pawning Planners. You see, we try to help anyone regardless of their ability to “put some skin in the game!” Twitter requires you to promote others and it can be time consuming but your connections scratch your back by promoting your tweets on their timeline- it’s Tit for Tat.
I’m frequently told “I don’t know how to use Twitter.” Because of this, and other questions about Twitter from folks who use Instagram and FB regularly, I’m confused as to why they know how to like and share others posts but have no idea how to share or follow back or even retweet for others on Twitter.
Twitter is widely used to sell items for Ebay and Etsy but it also used for book promotion and businesses. If the only tweets you have on your timeline pertain to you- you are using Twitter to promote yourself and skipping promoting others entirely which is why you don’t have many followers and less retweets.
If someone retweets you, courtesy is to follow them back or retweet one of their posts or both.
Although I’ve seen numerous posts that are far from PG rated- I never follow these folks back since I have no interest in what they are tweeting and more importantly- find their posts offensive. Cindy and I regularly block followers that are not selling or promoting “family friendly” content on not only Twitter but also Instagram.
When you have nearly 30k followers, it can take hours to retweet and follow back while screening profiles but, Cindy and I have had Twitter accounts since 2011 and have spent hours and hours for years promoting our connections. Let’s face it- social media can be quite time consuming.
How you use social media is up to you but if you are using it to promote items you are selling or books you are promoting- screening your followers is key to retaining an interactive audience.
Many “new to Twitter” folks assume they can create a huge following by pretending to follow you and minutes later- unfollowing you. The newsflash to these “fake followers” is that there are several apps available to find and unfollow you- if you are trying to create a following by buying followers, you are wasting your money!
Fake followers or purchased followers will never interact with you and if your numbers are immediately “suspicious” meaning you have a lot of followers but aren’t following anyone back- we don’t follow you. Twitter is like any other social media in that we look at what you post and you look at what we post and often “favorite” posts we like or retweet them.
Twitter may be the best way to promote your business but you’ve got to put something in to get something back my friend…
Wendy M Wortham The Pawning Planners Texas Twins Events Texas Twins TV